“In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west;
people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.” -Buddha
Zen Precepts
Taking Zen Precepts is a formal ceremony which symbolizes the practitioner's comittment to practicing Buddhism through the Four Abidings of Compassion, Loving Kindness, Joy, and Equanimity.
Zen Study
Individual Zen study and direction is offered as a way for students to enhance their knowledge of the philosophy and traditions of Zen Buddhism, and to deepen their practice of Mindfulness. Study sessions are one and a half hours long and students must commit to weekly sessions at a regularly scheduled day and time. Individual Zen study provides an in-depth look into the teachings of the Shakyamuni Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha or "The Awakened One", and focuses on how we can practically use the teachings in our lives to alleviate suffering, create harmony, and fully realize our interdependence. Study sessions are not counseling sessions, although the same principles of mindfulness and self-inquiry are applied in an educational setting.
Priest Study
Priest Study is taught with specific requirements, which, upon completion, qualifies individuals for ordination. Full ordination and licensure are granted upon the successful completion of a four-year program, which includes taking Precepts, Zen Study, Priest Study, Ordination as a Shuso or Assistant Priest (two-year program), Mindfulness Counseling study and, upon further rigorous study, ordination as Osho or Senior Priest (two-year program after Shuso ordination including a clinical internship). Ordained clergy are licensed to lead meditation sessions, perform celebrant and officiate services for weddings, blessings, and life transition ceremonies, and to provide Mindfulness Counseling and Direction.
For more information, interested individuals may apply by contacting
Andrea Minick Rudolph, Executive Director of Oryoki Zendo, at oryokizendo@gmail.com or by calling 717-514-3082.